Hen with respiratory symptoms!


Dec 7, 2017
I have an old English game bantam/serama, i don't know how old she is, a neighbor gave her and a small flock to me back in spring, anyways, she start molting about a month ago, temperatures here started cooling down about a week ago, and around that time i noticed her fluffed up and not acting herself, so i got her and have had her in the house for the last few days, when i brought her inside the first night i noticed she was wheezing really bad, she stopped about a hour later, but nowshe is wheezing again, i am really worried about her. Is there anything i can do for her to help her at least breathe better?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
She might have a tiny piece of feed stuck in her airway. Could it be positional with the way she hold her neck? Does she sometimes wheeze after eating? Does she have any other respiratory symptoms, such as sneezing, watery eyes, or gasping? Some people use oxine with a vaporizer in the coop held close to the face in case of fungal infections. I don’ t think much of VetRx, but some use it as one would use Vicks. Have you seen any respiratory diseases before in your flock?
She might have a tiny piece of feed stuck in her airway. Could it be positional with the way she hold her neck? Does she sometimes wheeze after eating? Does she have any other respiratory symptoms, such as sneezing, watery eyes, or gasping? Some people use oxine with a vaporizer in the coop held close to the face in case of fungal infections. I don’ t think much of VetRx, but some use it as one would use Vicks. Have you seen any respiratory diseases before in your flock?
She is sneezing and has a watery nose, and sometimes gasping for air

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