Hen with Runny Poo


7 Years
Feb 26, 2012
Hi everyone,
About two months ago, I bought a trio of bantam Wyandottes from a man at a show. I later learned that he was not a reputable breeder as one of the birds he sold me got sick and died almost immediately after I got her. Well, the two I have left (one hen and one cockerel). Are doing great. The cockerel especially. The hen lays me a large egg every other day. However, her keel bone is very prominent, and her poo is almost always very runny and sticks to the feathers around her vent. Is this natural for a hen who lays me an egg this often? I'm positive they don't have mites/lice, and the cockerel is perfect weight and I have no concerns for him. They are fed free choice Purina flock raiser and optional oyster shells. They don't have access to outside as I'm showing them next weekend for the first time ever, and we have very bad hawks around. Is there anything I can feed her that will harden up her poo? I would hate to show her with poo all over her rump, even after I washed her. I have not seen worms in her poo or the cockerels. Here they are last night:

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