hen with small black spots on comb and wattle!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 29, 2008
my black astrolorp hen has small black spots over a large part of her wattle and comb, she also had lice and severe scaly leg mite a few months ago im very worried i'll have to cull her, because i have no rooster she is the leader of the flock. im hoping that this is not anything serious
It could be fowl pox. I have not had it but you can do a search for it and I am sure someone will answer. I think you treat with Iodine directly on the poc.
someone had a picture of a hen with small black dots on her wattles and i have one or two with the black dots on their wattles and comb and i forget what they said it was because they said it will go away and dont worry about it. hopefully they will see this post and tell what it is again.

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