Hen with squishy, distended abdomen.

PD - another question, if you don't mind. Were the yolks and eggshells in a sac, or just loose in her body cavity?
What happen was I cut her open and everything was inside the tube/sac--- I then sliced it open. You can see part of the sac at the bottom of the mass in the first picture. I then stopped and drove a mile to get my camera before I went any farther. Wish I had of had the camera in the beginning. If you will look close you can make out the stacked egg shells.
I wish I had taken pictures, too (and may camera wasn't even that far away!), but it was getting dark and I don't think they would have turned out. Thanks again for sharing yours. I found them quite interesting.
Thanks again for sharing yours. I found them quite interesting.
You are Very Welcome!.

I wish I had seen some sign of a problem weeks earlier. I am quessing, but I feel this problem with this hen started weeks earlier. With 16 unbusted yolks and Many that had busted and the body heat had "cooked" them. Also with the busted shells becoming almost like a bone somewhat growed over. I wonder just how long she was this way? Being she was a young hen----I have wondered if she ever layed a egg. I had 16 young hens in that yard and I have never had a day with them that I got 16 egg. I have got 15 several times. Many times in the past MANY years with young hens I have had days that I got one egg per hen per day. Makes Me Wonder!!
I have a chicken right now with these same exact symptoms. Her abdomen is very soft and squishy like a water filled balloon, but I couldn't feel anything hard like an egg. She walks like a penguin. She still has an appetite. She is very heavy compared to others the same age as her. She is a young polish hen. Is there any treatment for this condition?
I have a chicken right now with these same exact symptoms. Her abdomen is very soft and squishy like a water filled balloon, but I couldn't feel anything hard like an egg. She walks like a penguin. She still has an appetite. She is very heavy compared to others the same age as her. She is a young polish hen. Is there any treatment for this condition?
Probably surgery, Nothing you can do if she is like mine, Soaking, oiling etc would have done No Good. Mine eat normal right up to me taking her out. She had Many unbusted egg yolks and many busted yolks and stacked/broke egg shells in her tube but the tube was blocked.
I have a Production Red hen with similar symptoms. I suspected worms or sour crop when I found her throwing up when she tried to eat. She is living inside now and seems fine except that she's got a squishy underside. What will ultimately happen if she's left to live? I'll put her down when I think she's uncomfortable.

What causes the EYP? Is it anything that can be prevented?
I have a Silkie that hasn’t laid an egg for at least 9 months and I feel like she must have something of this nature. What can I do to help her? I appreciate you’re help.
you should open a new thread to have more suggestions and post pictures of the hen and of the poops. ;) good vibes to your hen :hugs

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