Hens and Young Hawk and No Clue

Yup just a stone's throw away. :p

I have a small broody house I built that I will be selling. If you want to see it let me know.
It IS small but built with 2x3, real siding and the run is done with 1/4" hardware cloth.
I have it taken apart right now but will have it set up out front this next weekend for our yard sale.

Not sure if you even need a coop/run but thought I would throw it out there just in case.

Thank you for the offer! I have a small broody coop and a makeshift garage coop right now bc chicken math - so I'm building a walk in coop now and large run now to support my habit. :) Thank you for the heads up on availability though.
Thank you for the offer! I have a small broody coop and a makeshift garage coop right now bc chicken math - so I'm building a walk in coop now and large run now to support my habit. :) Thank you for the heads up on availability though.

No problem. I wanted to give someone close by first crack at it.
If it doesn't sell I am good with that. :p

I love that the city rules are "as many as can be properly housed and cared for without creating a health hazard or nuisance."

Of course HOA trumps city/county. Super glad there is not one where I am.

I look forward to seeing pics of what you are putting together.

OH if you haven't bought siding yet check Uncle Benny's. I paid $7 a sheet there for some.
It is off St. Louis South of 402.


They don't list inventory online since it changes so often. They are very helpful in person though.
No problem. I wanted to give someone close by first crack at it.
If it doesn't sell I am good with that. :p

I love that the city rules are "as many as can be properly housed and cared for without creating a health hazard or nuisance."

Of course HOA trumps city/county. Super glad there is not one where I am.

I look forward to seeing pics of what you are putting together.

OH if you haven't bought siding yet check Uncle Benny's. I paid $7 a sheet there for some.
It is off St. Louis South of 402.


They don't list inventory online since it changes so often. They are very helpful in person though.

I think I'm going to keep my broody coop, too. Too nice to be able to have a separate coop and a look but don't touch area in the run if needed.

I just have the floor and one wall mostly up so far. I will make myself remember to take pics! I found clearance/oops bin paint at Home Depot this weekend. I wanted just plain white for the inside but looks like they will have a designer color pale pearly gray. :p. Outside is barn red, which is what I wanted and also found a smokin' 5 gal deal at Home Depot oops bin. So far, other than some plywood, my coop has been free.

Hahahaha! Yeah...so I plan on adequately housing 16 so.... Now my cousin mentioned wanting to pare down her flock and so tempted! No HOA for me and that was on purpose. Drove my realtor nuts, but I don't eed someone telling me how to live in my own house.

I love Uncle Bs! I just bought 16 doors for a work project there. I will have to go see if they have siding! Great idea! I've planned on pallet siding but that is a lotta work!
I think I'm going to keep my broody coop, too. Too nice to be able to have a separate coop and a look but don't touch area in the run if needed.

I just have the floor and one wall mostly up so far. I will make myself remember to take pics! I found clearance/oops bin paint at Home Depot this weekend. I wanted just plain white for the inside but looks like they will have a designer color pale pearly gray. :p. Outside is barn red, which is what I wanted and also found a smokin' 5 gal deal at Home Depot oops bin. So far, other than some plywood, my coop has been free.

Hahahaha! Yeah...so I plan on adequately housing 16 so.... Now my cousin mentioned wanting to pare down her flock and so tempted! No HOA for me and that was on purpose. Drove my realtor nuts, but I don't eed someone telling me how to live in my own house.

I love Uncle Bs! I just bought 16 doors for a work project there. I will have to go see if they have siding! Great idea! I've planned on pallet siding but that is a lotta work!

:woot And :highfive: on sticking to no HOA!

I drove my realtor nuts when I moved from the country too.
I had to have 3 beds, big yard, no HOA. I didn't think that was asking to much. Shoot I actually found this one on my own....the day before they had an open house.

I have a roll of tar paper that will be in the yard sale too. If it doesn't sell you are welcome to it. I am out of room for building more structures. :lau
Yup...once you have land an itty bitty yard won't do! The yards in my neighborhood are nearly 1/4 acre and some even bigger and that's the smallest I wanted to go after having acreage to myself. Suburbia is not my cup of tea if I could still live on my own patch of land w my horses. ;-) I had to buy a fixer upper to get it, but I also didn't want to spend crazy market prices at the time.

At least it saved 'em from having an open house!

Ooooo! Tar paper would be lovely if you have it. Thank you! I'm planning on a metal roof from what I've salvaged elsewhere but lining it would be nice.

This chicken thing gets time consuming!
Yup...once you have land an itty bitty yard won't do! The yards in my neighborhood are nearly 1/4 acre and some even bigger and that's the smallest I wanted to go after having acreage to myself. Suburbia is not my cup of tea if I could still live on my own patch of land w my horses. ;-) I had to buy a fixer upper to get it, but I also didn't want to spend crazy market prices at the time.

At least it saved 'em from having an open house!

Ooooo! Tar paper would be lovely if you have it. Thank you! I'm planning on a metal roof from what I've salvaged elsewhere but lining it would be nice.

This chicken thing gets time consuming!

Moving to town I gave up the cattle, waterfowl and chickens. Not my ideal but is ok now....:hmm

Definitely want to use tar paper between the roof decking and metal roof. Condensation is a roof killer. I have metal roofs on my coops too.

I will pm you my address before the yard sale.
Moving to town I gave up the cattle, waterfowl and chickens. Not my ideal but is ok now....:hmm

Definitely want to use tar paper between the roof decking and metal roof. Condensation is a roof killer. I have metal roofs on my coops too.

I will pm you my address before the yard sale.

My hardest was giving up the horses. They're with a friend but single momming it with 2 horses is just not affordable. I had goats and LGDs, too that I miss terribly. My son enjoys the cul-de-sac full of kids here though. A wee trade off.

Awesome! Thank you! Would love to come to the yard sale!
My hardest was giving up the horses. They're with a friend but single momming it with 2 horses is just not affordable. I had goats and LGDs, too that I miss terribly. My son enjoys the cul-de-sac full of kids here though. A wee trade off.

Awesome! Thank you! Would love to come to the yard sale!

I actually miss the big bull the most. He acted like a giant dog. :p

Yeah single momming with big livestock is out of most people's budgets. :(
My move was because of an ugly divorce. Town was better for my then teenaged now very much grown kids. Back then chickens and ducks were still not allowed in town. I gave my chickens to an old neighbor and sold the ducks. I was ecstatic when they made chickens legal here.

I look forward to meeting you. It will hopefully be decent weather.

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