Hens are messing with roo's beautiful tail feathers..WHY?


"Ain't nuttin' like having da' blues"
13 Years
May 30, 2008
Washington State
It seems like my hens are preening my roo's tail feathers for him. They are not pecking but rather preening.......what gives and why would they do this to his beautiful tail feathers. You can see how frazzled they look in this pic. I hope they stop.


*edited to say* I HATE MY CAMERA! Doesn't matter what setting it is on, the pic's still come out fuzzy.
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Nitpicky women! I have one hen who always plucks my rooster's saddle feathers. It's just her and she only plucks the rooster, silly girl. Not sure why they do that. My rooster has the patience of a saint!
Thanks Speckledhen! I know they are not plucking him and he doesn't seem to mind....but they have made a mess of his pretty tail. I wish they would stop. He is my favorite Wellie roo.
Lil' Bit preens Thor's saddle feathers whenever he holds still long enough. Who knows why?! I stopped trying to get inside a chicken's head long ago.

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