hens getting fat and barely moving and next day die.help?


8 Years
Dec 3, 2011
we have had 2 hens (7 months old) die approx 2 weeks apart. One day we notice that they are really fat and waddling, barely walking and the next morning we find them dead. Any ideas or help before we lose more would be appreciated.
Hello, davecharrogers, and welcome to BYC
What kind of chickens do you have? If you are raising meat chickens (like Cornish Xs), they are bred to gain weight rapidly and be ready for processing by about 5 months or so. If you try to keep them longer their bodies can't support the increasing weight and eventually they die from complications like heart or respiratory failure. What breed of hens did you have that got fat and died?
Thank you all for your help so far. We have not checked their vent. Didn't even think of that since both died so quickly. They are laying hens - one was a Red Star brown egg layer and the one that died today was a white silkie.
The only other thing I can think of is that they are filling up with fluid (ascites) for some reason, as with heart failure or peritonitis. How long from the time they started getting "fat" until they passed away? Did they look fat all over or in a certain area of their body (like the abdomen)? Any other symptoms you noticed?

Edited to add this link https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=362422
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Just from the description of puffed up and waddling sounds like egg bound. You might look it up on the google search above right for the treatment in case it happens again. Sorry for your loss.
We probably need more information. Here's a few more questions...

What were they eating? Any changes in diet recently?

Were they laying? How long had they been laying? How long before they died had they laid?

Any others in your flock showing symptoms?
Firstly, I'm very sorry your hens died
Secondly, I am not familiar with what egg bound means? How would I know if one of my hens was egg bound?

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