hens haven't laid for a couple weeks


6 Years
Aug 12, 2013
Hi Peeps, need some advice n two of my hens that have stopped laying. They are about two years old and both hatched chicks and co-parented in April. Long story short they left the young ones at about 6 weeks and started laying again. About two weeks ago they both started to go broody again and were only that way for a few days then it seemed like they went back to normal. But they have not laid any eggs since then. My third hen lays one a day but none from the other two. I hope this is just heat related as I have heard when it's hot egg production may drop. It's been in the high 90's. Thanks for any advice you can give me...
They are older hens, they will be decreasing egg production. They did recently go broody and it is hot. These things together could be effecting them.

I hope this helps!
They are a little older so...yes, their egg production is going to decline somewhat but not to that extent. I would think the heat (definitely) and their short broody state probably has the most to do with it though. Chickens eat less when it's hot, therefore they don't get the protein and such they need. Offering them a food that's higher in protein can help. We're in the upper 90's here in TX teetering on the edge of triple digits
so I recently changed from a layer feed that had 16% protein to a Start & Grow with 20% protein. Mine free range during the day as well. I'm also offering them electrolytes mixed in one of their waterers but just plain water in the rest of them. I also put frozen water bottles in their waterers during the later afternoon hours and refresh their water a couple of times a day. I hope this helps some and hope your ladies give you some yummy fresh eggs soon!
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Thanks ChristyPogue, I was kind of thinking that but it's great to get other advice. I do put ice water bottles in there water. I will start giving them some starter/grower feed. I have some electrolytes I can add to one of their water stations. Thanks so much..
My older hens were born March of 2014 so I don't know? Is it too soon for them to start dropping off of egg production? I agree with you as far as broody. It seemed like they just hatched the babies and now they are broody again. I should say were broody, not anymore. Thanks so much for the advice..
My older hens were born March of 2014 so I don't know? Is it too soon for them to start dropping off of egg production? I agree with you as far as broody. It seemed like they just hatched the babies and now they are broody again. I should say were broody, not anymore. Thanks so much for the advice..

Oh, so they're just a little over a year old! They're in their prime!!
I had a friend tell me some of their hens stopped laying and they added some jalapeno juice (not the pickled kind) to their hens' water and within 2-3 days they were laying again... I guess it's the same concept as putting cayenne pepper in their feed. I don't know if I believe that or not though!
The heat makes some hens stop laying, mine can take up to a month to resume laying after being broody, and we are getting into the time of year when birds molt, people are talking about it and I am seeing feathers in my pens, so yours are about that age, and maybe that's why they're not broody anymore, so they may resume laying when it cools off, but more likely they might be done for a while.
My older hens were born March of 2014 so I don't know? Is it too soon for them to start dropping off of egg production? I agree with you as far as broody. It seemed like they just hatched the babies and now they are broody again. I should say were broody, not anymore. Thanks so much for the advice..
They could be getting ready to molt too as they near 18 months old and we are past the summer solstice.
If they don't start pretty soon I will try the juice. Thanks so much..Maybe I'm just a worry wart..lol

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