Hens haven't started laying...34 weeks

Feeding layer to birds that are too young can slow development. It is designed for actively laying birds only. It does not have a high enough protein content for growing and maturing birds. 

I am a new chicken mom and my girls are 18wks old. After I went through my a bag of me cates starter food, I asked the feed store when I should switch to layer food. They told me at 8 wks of age (the bag said 18 wks). I asked again and they recommended 8 wks, so I switched. No eggs from them yet but I know it should be soon. Is this going to br a problem for them? They seem happy and healthy!
8 weeks old is far too young to be giving layer. Feed store employees rarely know what they are talking about. The high levels of calcium in layer feed can be very damaging to the kidneys. Birds often show no symptoms of illness until it is far too late. Also, the lower levels of protein can slow their growth and development significantly. Under normal conditions, with proper feed, they should be close to laying. However, since they haven't been getting the right nutrient levels for their growing bodies, it could be a few more months till they start laying.
Honestly, get the some unmedicated starter or grower, ASAP.
Thanks! I'm super frustrated with the store now!! I'm hoping they are all ok. They all have recently sprouted their combs/waddles and turned very red in the face. Three of the five are squatting pretty regular now.

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