My two hens that hadn't laid eggs in over a YEAR started laying again this week!!! And my rooster is finally back to breeding! (He hadn't much for months.)

You can just imagine my surprised delight when I walked outside the other day and was greeted by "the egg song."
My three chickens have had Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) from a serious strain of Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG), as well as a mild case of Coryza. When I got the hens several months ago, the previous owner said the hens had laid fewer than 10 eggs during the last several months, but that he didn't know the cause. After I got them, I noticed their gurgling breathing, runny eye, etc., and figured out the problems.
Though CRD problems can be chronic, the hens are special to me & I am keeping them at this point.
This has been a red-letter week!!!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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