Hens laying soft eggs

It's likely stress related, assuming they aren't pullets at POL nor old hens. Something is causing alot of stress to the hen/s so check for predators, change in flock/pecking order, or space. Otherwise it could be related to the hen being overweight
There are twelve hens I’m assuming only three or four of them are laying because I keep finding hard eggs in three places and soft in the other. Lol one hen will only lay in the feed storage one in nesting box one under my dads quail cage and the the hen laying softees under a shelf in the coop.
They have just started laying. Thanks for the advice will definitely be backing off on the scratch. And separating the scratch.

Ok thank you I will it to them
There's no reason to start feeding them back eggs or egg shells.....give the new layers time to adjust to this new activity....their layer feed has plenty of calcium.

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