Soft Shells


Sep 25, 2021
I have 2 Easter Eggers that have consistently laying soft shell eggs. They have been on the XL size too. I have free choice oyster shells and limestone near their feeder. I don't see any of my chickens pecking at the oyster shells almost ever. I've crushed a few calcium tablets and put it in their food as well. I'm not sure what else I could try! I really need some advice!
Soft shell on the right
If you know which 2 hens are laying the soft shelled eggs, give each 1 Calcium Citrate with D3 tablet once daily for a week. See if this corrects the problem.

If it doesn't improve shell quality, then not getting enough calcium is not the issue.
I have 2 Easter Eggers that have consistently laying soft shell eggs. They have been on the XL size too. I have free choice oyster shells and limestone near their feeder. I don't see any of my chickens pecking at the oyster shells almost ever. I've crushed a few calcium tablets and put it in their food as well. I'm not sure what else I could try! I really need some advice!
Soft shell on the right
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Hi there, I’ve had this problem years ago and this is how I fixed it:

It is tricky to think of anything else you can try but, As long as 90% of her diet is a good quality layers feed, has free access to mixed grit and oyster shell and is wormed there isn’t a lot else to do.

You could try a ‘Feather, Shell and Bone’ liquid supplement you could add to the water to see if that helps.

Are they malting? If they are up the calcium and protein in their diet (do this anyway) but if they are they will focus the calcium on themselves first and then the eggs after

Layers pellets are important first though, another thing you could try is scrambling egg with milk and oats (small amount of milk) with the eggshell mashed up in it

Other than that its hard to say, I’d advise you stay away from the tablets that you were feeding as this can cause irregular egg production, and you don’t want them to stop because if they stop they will most likely stop laying all together, this is because the egg track is designed for hard eggs not soft ones

Hope this helps, let me know.
Hi there, I’ve had this problem years ago and this is how I fixed it:

It is tricky to think of anything else you can try but, As long as 90% of her diet is a good quality layers feed, has free access to mixed grit and oyster shell and is wormed there isn’t a lot else to do.

You could try a ‘Feather, Shell and Bone’ liquid supplement you could add to the water to see if that helps.

Are they malting? If they are up the calcium and protein in their diet (do this anyway) but if they are they will focus the calcium on themselves first and then the eggs after

Layers pellets are important first though, another thing you could try is scrambling egg with milk and oats (small amount of milk) with the eggshell mashed up in it

Other than that its hard to say, I’d advise you stay away from the tablets that you were feeding as this can cause irregular egg production, and you don’t want them to stop because if they stop they will most likely stop laying all together, this is because the egg track is designed for hard eggs not soft ones

Hope this helps, let me know.
There hasn't been much improvement. There had been a few more soft shell eggs and the girls just eat them when seen. I'd been giving calcium citrate and hasn't helped either.
I feel really bad, tonight she was in the nesting box and scratching everywhere. It seemed like she was uncomfortable. I tried feeding her scrambled eggs and she has 1 bite. Also tried a warm bath, nothing. I gloved up to feel for an egg and there was nothing but runny poop.
There hasn't been much improvement. There had been a few more soft shell eggs and the girls just eat them when seen. I'd been giving calcium citrate and hasn't helped either.
I feel really bad, tonight she was in the nesting box and scratching everywhere. It seemed like she was uncomfortable. I tried feeding her scrambled eggs and she has 1 bite. Also tried a warm bath, nothing. I gloved up to feel for an egg and there was nothing but runny poop.
I was just reading my calcium bottle and it says it's calcium carbonate with vitamin D3
Right… ok. This exactly happened to my hen. She was doing this and then just stopped laying. But I think this could help so I’ll list a few other things it could be after hearing that.

Vitamin D- deficiency, VD helps absorb the calcium and nutrients to help make the egg shell, and if the other hens are eating it. It would most likely mean they’re struggling too.

Stress and environment- Loud noises, overcrowding, sudden temperature changes, predators= stress. If this is happening it means the gland that put on the shell shuts off for a while.

Age- I cannot remember how old you said she was, but the older hens may have difficulty in absorbing and using the calcium efficiently, resulting in softer eggs.

To help, I would again Improve the calcium and Protein in their diet. This is pivotal!

Make sure their getting enough sunlight,

You can also treat for a vitamin D deficiency

Try swapping the layer pellets you use, this can enrich them with a variety it can be boring for them to eat the same thing every day and night.

Give them treats and as long as they look and act happy, it’s probably just an age thing,

If things continue, speak to a registered poultry vet, I hope this fixes your issue.

Let me know how this helps and works
There hasn't been much improvement. There had been a few more soft shell eggs and the girls just eat them when seen. I'd been giving calcium citrate and hasn't helped either.
I feel really bad, tonight she was in the nesting box and scratching everywhere. It seemed like she was uncomfortable. I tried feeding her scrambled eggs and she has 1 bite. Also tried a warm bath, nothing. I gloved up to feel for an egg and there was nothing but runny poop.

I was just reading my calcium bottle and it says it's calcium carbonate with vitamin D3
How much Calcium Citrate with D3 have you been giving daily (mg)?
You are giving this directly to her daily instead of mixing in feed correct?

If she's not improving with Extra Calcium given directly (orally), then likely there's a shell gland defect or other reproductive issue.

She's getting a nutritionally balanced poultry feed so unlikely changing feed will make a difference.

Do look her over for external parasites and get a fecal float to rule out worms - these can affect the overall health of the bird and internal parasites could affect the absorption of key nutrients.

You mention she looks uncomfortable, likely she's trying to expel another large egg. I would definitely give her 1 Calcium Citrate with D3 tablet now and see if that helps her push the egg on out. Just pull down on her wattles and pop the tablet into the beak, let her swallow.

Sadly, reproductive problems are common in laying hens, a lot of times there is no "fix".
There has been no improvement today. I used sterile saline and flushed her vent. Nothing. Her poop this morning was runny. Right now she is standing but closing her eyes.

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