Hens NOT eating layer pellets

I learned years ago that layer feed simply doesn't have a very exciting taste, and chickens really do notice.

This was one of the reasons I did away all together with layer feed. Unless you run a commercial egg barn, layer really isn't necessary.

I switched to Purina flock Raiser and provided oyster shell free choice, and soon after, began fermenting the feed. I throw in some BOSS and the chickens can't get more excited about their feed.

This feeding practice also serves my mixed flock well. I have roosters, chicks, and "retired" layers that all should not have layer feed, so the all flock feed makes life simpler - no juggling different feeds for different needs.
What is BOSS?
So my 4 hens will not eat the layer pellets I bought or the oyster shell. They free range all day and LOVE the scratch mix I put down in the run for when they are inside. They follow me to the run after I have let them out and wait until I pit the scratch down. I have mixed the pellets and oyster shell with the scratch but they pick around it. Is this an issue? Should I just buy and feed them scratch?
On occasion all our feed store has left is the organic scratch so sometimes my girls go a few days just on that... they're in hog heaven when it happens (maybe twice a year) and then hate when I go back to their pellets but I just take the scratch away cold turkey until they're eating their pellets again and then sparingly give them the scratch until it's gone. It really is like candy to them.

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