Hens or Roos and What breeds?

Paraclete 2

Howdy: I don't think its a Minorca, at this age you should be seeing the white in its ear lobe by now.

Not an Orpington either because of the yellow beak it should be yellow shanked(the lighting is bad on the feet), BOs have wt. feet and wt. beaks, that's why I said Buff Rock.

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Paraclete 2

Howdy: I don't think its a Minorca, at this age you should be seeing the white in its ear lobe by now.

Not an Orpington either because of the yellow beak it should be yellow shanked(the lighting is bad on the feet), BOs have wt. feet and wt. beaks, that's why I said Buff Rock.


I'm going with a black australorp and buff orp hen. She does have white legs and maybe beak too, it's the lighting giving it a yellow appearance.
Okay I can go BO? with a maybe, but BarbK says right above the pic. of the black:" This one has brown edges on chest feathers"( typical BSL to me) and also look at the eye color orangish(eye color for Rocks and Reds) Black Australorps have a deep bay almost black eye color. The dark eye color gives the BA's one of the most unique looks to me. Still think the feathers are a little tight for a BO, anyway?

Ok I think I am going with Black Star on Blackie. All the extras I got were Sex link and RIR roos for the freezer. So I think she is a Sex link/ Black Star pullet that got into the fry pan box with the boys.

Penny has a yellow beek and pink/white legs. She looks simiar to both the buff rock and orp. I am not sure what she is. I went to Feathersite and looked at both. At least we have narrowed it down to 2. Again I think she got dumped in with the boys on accident.
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Not australorp - she has brown edges on her neck feathers - Black sex link. Australorps are all black, no other color. And the other I thought was a BO. Could she be a cross of some sort (considering the yellow beak, but white legs)? Both girls!!

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