Hens or roosters? Can you please help


In the Brooder
May 17, 2015
New Jersey
Hi. I have three chickens that I'm not sure if they are Roos or not. They are all 8 weeks old give or take a couple days. One is a barred rock, one black australorp, and one ameraucan/ Easter egger. The white one in picture is also Easter egger from the same hatching but she is definitely a she. We're new to all this so please let me know what you think they are.

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Welcome to BYC - so glad you've joined us.
Unfortunately, I don't see a photo in your post - hopefully you can get the picture(s) uploaded soon as we would love to help you ID the genders of your birds. At about 8 weeks of age we should be able to answer you right quick once we can see them.
Oh boy. Lol. Thanks for the help. We had hoped for all girls but we'll figure something out for the cockerials. Do you happen to know the typical temperament for these breeds? I have 3 young kids that are with them a lot and don't want them getting hurt.

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