Hens or Roosters?

heathers chickens

10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
i purchased 8 chics in October. The breeder said he was pretty sure they were all females by inspecting feather structure. Now at 5 months I am waking to the sound of Crowing at 5 am. Only started this week. I saw two crowing this morning.. but they all look alike. Only one chick in the flock has a small comb and waddle. All others are very similar in looks but looking at photos of hens and roosters they look very similar to rhode island red hens! How do u actually tell them apart? No eggs yet either.
I tried the test that I read on this website (I think) - if you (gently) hold the chicken up by the neck and it pulls its feet up it's a boy if it hangs its feet down it's a girl. Seems crazy, but it worked for me. I adopted some chicks and was very worried about having any roosters - I live in a subdivision. Everything is fine now - just dealing with wierd brooding issues with the girls.

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