Hens or roosters?

Hello everyone, I am quite new to BYC and would appreciate any help you might have to the gender and breed of my chicks, I was given the eggs to hatch under my broody but no info on them. Here are the pics they are 4 weeks old

thanks in advance for any help am desperate to know what I have got
Welcome to BYC! These birds are all very young which makes them much more difficult to ID than jlridde84's much older birds. I would suggest posting them on the "What Breed or Gender Is This?" section at https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this Some of the members who are very good at determining the breed and sex of young birds frequent that section and can probably tell you the breeds and gender of all your birds in your pics. It would help if you can get full body profiles showing the legs and tails as well as the heads. Good luck.
Thank you, will post some on that thread and see what happns
At 17 weeks you'd ne able to tell the sex of rr my neighbor swears her chickens.could be Boys and we couldn't Tell yet, but my Phoenix Roo is the same age and is clearly a rooster
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Michael will get down to the bottom of this!

Good luck with your flock and welcome to ours!

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