Hens pecking rooster - neck "armor"


Jul 13, 2020
Hello to begin with i must say that my roo doesn't have much respct from hens. They don't squat when he approaches them etc. Some days ago 2 hens (sometimes other join the "play" but rarely) started pecking his neck feathers out. They only peck him and his neck (sometimes other parts but the neck is the only naked-pecked part) and sometimes even eat the feathers. They are horrible, he tries running away but they keep following and pecking his feathers out. He's isolated now but i was trying to put a sock with a hole cut out on his neck so it would cover the naked area and there would be no pecking but he got it down and uncovered the area. Any advice ? I don't want to keep him isolated for too long so i'd really appreaciate any idea similiar to mine.
Hello to begin with i must say that my roo doesn't have much respct from hens. They don't squat when he approaches them etc. Some days ago 2 hens (sometimes other join the "play" but rarely) started pecking his neck feathers out. They only peck him and his neck (sometimes other parts but the neck is the only naked-pecked part) and sometimes even eat the feathers. They are horrible, he tries running away but they keep following and pecking his feathers out. He's isolated now but i was trying to put a sock with a hole cut out on his neck so it would cover the naked area and there would be no pecking but he got it down and uncovered the area. Any advice ? I don't want to keep him isolated for too long so i'd really appreaciate any idea similiar to mine.
How much space do they have?
How old are the hens and the rooster? How long have they been together?
What exactly are you feeding and what is the protein content of their complete diet?
What breed is the rooster?
Is he bleeding?
You can try a product similar to Peck No More but I don't know what is available in Poland.
How much space do they have?
How old are the hens and the rooster? How long have they been together?
What exactly are you feeding and what is the protein content of their complete diet?
What breed is the rooster?
Is he bleeding?
You can try a product similar to Peck No More but I don't know what is available in Poland.
They aren't overcrovded - they've got the space they need. They are young and together since i bought them (in similiar age, matter of week maybe). They get wheat, scratch (not only corn, but there is corn, probably soy etc.), table scraps. Idk the protein content as grandpa threw out the package of the scratch/pellets ;-;. He's plymouth rock or a mix but mainly plymouth rock. He isn't bleeding. Btw can i put some petrollum jelly so the naked skin doesn't dry out?
The weirdest thing is that there are mainly 2 hens pecking and only pecking the roo. I've got some tea tree oil. Could i make something out of it to rub it on just like pick no more?
How much space do they have?
How old are they? Where they raised together? How many hens?
His naked skin is fine if it isn't damaged.
If you are feeding wheat, scratch and table scraps along with 'pellets' there is a fairly good chance their protein level is too low and they are feather picking because of this. Or boredom.
I would up the protein content of their diet by offering canned tuna, catfood, meal worms or soldier fly larvae. Make sure they have at least 15 sq ft per bird (but closer to 25 is much better) of space with lots of things to climb on and under in their run if you don't free range.
How much space do they have?
How old are they? Where they raised together? How many hens?
His naked skin is fine if it isn't damaged.
If you are feeding wheat, scratch and table scraps along with 'pellets' there is a fairly good chance their protein level is too low and they are feather picking because of this. Or boredom.
I would up the protein content of their diet by offering canned tuna, catfood, meal worms or soldier fly larvae. Make sure they have at least 15 sq ft per bird (but closer to 25 is much better) of space with lots of things to climb on and under in their run if you don't free range.
I don't know exactly how much space but there are 16 hens, one rooster on a approbiate i'd say run. Idk where were they raised. They are about one year old. Would cottage cheese be good as source of proteins?
I don't know exactly how much space but there are 16 hens, one rooster on a approbiate i'd say run. Idk where were they raised. They are about one year old. Would cottage cheese be good as source of proteins?
Can you post pictures of your setup please?
Chickens do not process dairy easily. They don't have the right enzymes to deal with lactose. Meat based protein is best.

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