hens picking at my shoes


10 Years
Mar 3, 2009
Today as I entered the kennel my 2 hens tried to get past me.
I had to push them away w/ lid from a large tote.
Then when I entered the kennel they attacked my shoes. I smacked them and kicked them (gently ofcourse) , but they just kept coming at me. I added new food to their feeder and they pounced on that.
---What is that about?
There was still some chick feed in the feeder when I added the fresh food so they couldn't have been starving.
Just dont go in there with sandals and red nail polish. Ouch!

Also, my girls have been known to jump way up just to peck at a particular ring of mine.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.
One of our hens does this, too. I used to think she was after my shoe laces, but she also pecks at my pants/legs. She doesn't do it all of the time, but she's been a bit pushy lately and I just figured she had a bee in her bonnet about something at the moment.

We all have our crabby days, I guess. No harm done.
Mine seem to like my sappire ring. I wonder what will happen if I ever get that red ruby?

I admit, first thing in the morning my chicks do peck at my shoes. Normally have to shuffle my feet on the ground to keep from stepping on one. But after I feed them they are not so much under my feet.
Mine LOVE the holes in my Crocs!!!
Another tip for you - don't let a curious chicken sit on your shoulder if you have pierced ears...
Thanks,all good tips:).
I think that they r not eating all the chick food. The leftover portion must not be tasty to them(all looks the same to me). They were holding out for something better when I entered the pen.
I guess they haven't heard "Don't bite the hand that feeds you".
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Mine love to peck at my shoes and toes too! Strangely the only ring of mine they want to peck at is my engagement ring....they leave all the other rings alone, lol!

They don't mean any harm, I think this is just what chickens do.
Mine always act like they're starving when I go into the pen too. I usually take a couple of handfuls of feed and let them have it out of my hand, but it's the same stuff they have in their feeders! Geesh! They crowd in and peck away til it's all gone or I dump it cause one of them jumps up on my hand. Gonna have to start wearing gloves though cause it's getting painful! And they have plenty of food and know where it is. I've got an 11 lb feeder hanging in the coop that I keep full and trays outside that I keep full. I figured since I hung the new feeder and they can't kick the shavings into it, they would stop that starving to death thing, but no! Silly birds!

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