Hens picking on another hen

Sorry about the graphic picture......Here she is the day after the ordeal. This happened in one afternoon.

I love this chicken, she is so sweet so I cried when I saw this. They did it right in front of me too when I walked in the coop.

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Thanks Biddieacres...I'm glad to know it's not just my hens, though I don't wish this on any hen. I'm optimistic about spring, even though we just got another 16 inches of snow last night...but I believe we are in the winter homestretch. Too bad for my hens that the bare patches of ground they had to free range on are all covered up with snow now.

That's quite a photo...so sorry that happened. Honestly that is much worse than what Ruth is going through...we're only dealing with the comb, but I feel sure if we hadn't separated her when we did that over Christmas holiday, our chicken sitters would have found her really mauled or even dead. That's a lot to ask of friends who are helping out....to deal with a dead chicken in winter.

We have been using a heated dog bowl for the outside hen's water which has worked great. We rolled our chicken tractor into the back of the garage and the bowl stays plugged in all the time. This also allowed us to go away for a few days with the chickens safely closed up in the garage. We also put a light on a timer for them. We try to let them out as much as possible, but I do think they are going a little nutso through this long winter.

Thanks for your and everyone elses input on this subject. I really appreciate it. We are new to chickens and just adore them, but we just don't want to lose another one. Our other Plymouth Rock, Hester, succumbed to the dog last fall...that was very traumatic. This is all a real learning experience.

Thanks again.
cmom...I looked at your BYC page...looks like you have a beautiful place.
Can you please explain more to me about the Pinless Peepers? I don't quite understand how they work.

Gigijenn, I just wanted to add one thing. It is true what they say always purchase hens in even numbers. I noticed you have three and two are picking on one. Is it possible to buy one more to make it 4? That may help matters too.
We originally bought 4 pullets, 2 RIRs and 2 Plymouth Rocks. And then there were three......the dog snapped one day and decided she'd get one of the PRs, and she did. Poor Hester. And now when the dog is out with the chickens, she wears a muzzle.

But I will take your advisement. I'll either get one or three more pullets. Three would give us an even six, which it the max I'd like to have anyway. I wonder of only getting one would serve to single out that chick and make her vulnerable...any thoughts on that?
Yeah, six is good for me too. Getting the one may be tricky too like you said. As long as you slowly introduce them I guess or start your new hen with your less dominant hen Ruth. They could pal up.
I have to say in your situation I would give things a break and let the pecking order settle down before you try to introduce more chickens--you've been through enough. In the future, introduce them at least two at a time. The two can keep each other company during quarantine (at least one month), then they will need to be separated but visible for at least another 2 weeks before integration. So you will need a completely separate coop facility to do it properly.
I second the Pinless Peepers. I have them on my 7 pullets and they are finally getting full feathered. So who can blame me for having some fun with these very humane devices. If my avatar doesn't tell you the whole story, you can see what I mean at my site at the link below.
LMAO where can I buy those peepers? They look hilarious but also will help with the pecked feathers this winter. It's been a cold winter and the chickens don't want to leave their roosts or warm coops and they're bored and cranky and pecking each other. Mine are even pecking at the rooster.
I have also heard that you remove the bully completely from the flock for a few days until a new "Pecking Order" is formed and then when it's reintroduced to the flock it's at the bottom of the pecking order.

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