Hens really eroding the heck out of our run: thoughts?


Apr 14, 2020
Boston, MA
So our run is protected by hardware cloth on all four sides and on the roof, and we dug a trench about 12-18 inches deep to bury the hardware cloth to keep digging predators from getting in. But those chickens are really causing a lot of wear and tear on our ground, and we've noticed they really seem to be wearing the dirt away. We've only had them for a few months this summer and they've already worn away an inch or two of dirt. Any advice on how to stop and/or control this?
If you live in a suburb you can get wood chips from local tree companies for free. Let them age in a pile for a month or two if you can. Throw them into the chicken pen anywhere from 6" to 2' deep. They will break down into soil slowly (over years), compost the chicken poop, provide good drainage, keep your chickens happy with places to dig and bugs to eat, and they won't erode away.

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