Hens suddenly perching outside on roof of Coop!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 1, 2012
United Kingdom
Hello...i've got three 16 week old pullets which I hatched myself. They have been going into their coop at dusk automatically for the past 8 weeks without any problems whatsoever. Neither of them were perching inside the house though but they instead all huddled together in one of the nest boxes - quite happily! However, all of a sudden they decided that they're not going into their coop at dusk anymore and I am now finding them roosting outside on the roof of the coop! They are very persistent and I have tried putting them in myself each night to convince them....they still insist on roosting on top of the coop instead of going inside!!! Driving me crazy!

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this please? The only change I made to the inside of the coop was blocking off the nest boxes a couple of weeks ago. But this didn't seem to bother them and they still went into the coop for at least another week after that. Not sure what the problem is!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!

Hello...i've got three 16 week old pullets which I hatched myself. They have been going into their coop at dusk automatically for the past 8 weeks without any problems whatsoever. Neither of them were perching inside the house though but they instead all huddled together in one of the nest boxes - quite happily! However, all of a sudden they decided that they're not going into their coop at dusk anymore and I am now finding them roosting outside on the roof of the coop! They are very persistent and I have tried putting them in myself each night to convince them....they still insist on roosting on top of the coop instead of going inside!!! Driving me crazy!

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this please? The only change I made to the inside of the coop was blocking off the nest boxes a couple of weeks ago. But this didn't seem to bother them and they still went into the coop for at least another week after that. Not sure what the problem is!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks!

Wish I could help you on that one :) Do you have roosting poles in the building and are they higher than the nest? If not that might fix it
My Son has a Bass net that he ctches some Resistant chicks Every night ! EVERY NIGHT . They just wont go in willingly .. And he has Three He has decided are not happy in a coop at all and he allows them to Roost in a Goat pen .. We might be Bad Chicken tamers ...They dont listen to us very well ; )
Wish I could help you on that one :) Do you have roosting poles in the building and are they higher than the nest? If not that might fix it

Yes the perches are higher than the nest boxes...I installed these some time ago...they wouldn't use them so I then blocked off the nest boxes! Now they've decided they want to roost afterall but not on the provided perches...but on the roof!!

It's so frustrating! Help!!!!
Yes the perches are higher than the nest boxes...I installed these some time ago...they wouldn't use them so I then blocked off the nest boxes! Now they've decided they want to roost afterall but not on the provided perches...but on the roof!!

It's so frustrating! Help!!!!
How big is your coop?
Yes the perches are higher than the nest boxes...I installed these some time ago...they wouldn't use them so I then blocked off the nest boxes! Now they've decided they want to roost afterall but not on the provided perches...but on the roof!!

It's so frustrating! Help!!!!
Keep them locked up in the coop for about a week, hopefully then they will figure it out...........

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