Hens w/ respiratory issues and it's not in their lungs

Well, that's hard to digest. The fact that I might have caused this. But I figure it had to be something like that. I've had hens for 1.5 years and now this. So I figured it had to be something that I was doing or something they were eating in the garden.

I will cut back on BOSS and just give them a see or two to get them back into their run.

I'm hoping it's not too late for my one hen who is starting to wheeze.
Okay, I have a detailed note into my vet who of course, is not in today. But there are several other vets at this office and reception is going to get a note to one of them so we can get an action plan together.

If anyone is still following this topic, do you think that worms could cause this? I did not have any droppings screened and that seems like it would be a cheep and easy way of ruling out a potential issue.

Unless you think that no way worms would cause a hen's abdomen to fill with fluid.

I can't imagine it being caused by worms. This is more like ascites to me. Have you looked up on BYC the different things worms cause and what causes ascites? Perhaps start there?
I've had some people tell me that worms can cause ascites.

Gosh, there are just so many different opinions out there. I've just finished treating the flock with Baytril, an antibiotic. So we're covered from that perspective.

I'm going to take in some droppings tomorrow for analysis. If I collect them in the morning, I'll be able to tell who's is who cuz they all sleep in the same place.

If it comes back positive, then JACKPOT and we'll treat and hopefully all be okay.

If negative? Well, then I'm totally stumped unless this vet comes up w/ something else after talking to another vet. I am a tad suspicious that she could have eaten something toxic in the garden so I think I'll cut off all free ranging for a week or so till I have more info to work with.

I don't see how blood work or more xrays will help here so I think I'll pass on those. I just can't spend more $$$ on this unless I'm dealing w/ concrete facts that I can work with.

And if the hen continues to go downhill, then I'll have her euthanized and ship her off to UC Davis for a necropsy to see what we can learn from that. And pray that maybe it was genetic and not something that my other three hens are going to parish from.
So sorry you are having to go through this. It is so hard when you lose a pet and then to throw good money into trying to figure out what went wrong in this economy, its just worse. Good luck in finding the answer.
Thanks. I'm really frustrated. I just feel like I'm going in circles. My vet is OOO till Wed. There are others at the office. I know they are avian specialists and one of the chicken specialists in the area. But I really have to wonder how many chickens they treat. I know that so many people just won't take a chicken to the vet. And why would you if you had a big flock.

But the first thing I think of with all this is the nightmare I went though trying to integrate the three new hens with my existing two. And I NEVER want to go through that again.

I'll take some droppings to the vet tomorrow for a worm analysis. As wrong as this sounds, I'm really hoping the girl has worms. Easy to ID and rather easy to treat. If it's negative, then I don't know what. We'll watch her for a few more days. The question is, is what she has contagious? If so, I should cull her sooner rather than later and get her up to UC Davis for a necropsy.

But I'm certainly in a different place than I was last week. I'm fully prepared to lose this entire flock, as hard as that would be. I may never get chickens again unless I can properly identify what happened here.

I've just had about every issue in the book, feather pulling, bullying, sour crop, egg bound, OMG, Calgon take me away. I thought having a few hens in the back yard for bug control and fresh eggs would be easy.
Oh, yes. Gosh. Been so busy and really so very upset by this whole thing that I'm trying to put it behind me. The poop is negative for worms. Which is good.

They sent the xrays to be read by a specialist who feels VERY strongly that her eggs were not positioned right inside of her and that she was leaking egg material into her abdomen and that it was an isolated random thing.

The other hen who was showing similar symptoms seemed a bit better yesterday. I'm eager to go check on them today. No one laid an egg yesterday. I do feel like they are mourning the loss of the hen. They all just seem off to me.

I'm still kicking myself for not sending the one hen in for an autopsy. I'll always regret that. I do have materials ready to go in case I need to ship off another hen.

And I'm kind of in a different place. I love my hens. But no more heroics to try and save them. The vet bill was, well, unpleasant. I don't have kids and these are kind of my kids so I have a little wiggle room to spend some $$'s on them. I fully realize not everyone does and please don't judge me for taking her in. I don't judge people who eat their hens after two years to make room for new layers. I've had some really harsh emails this week which has further contributed to me going silent.

I'm going to just let nature take it's course with my girls. Obviously, if I feel one is really doing poorly, I will take her in and not let her suffer. It's bad enough that I've treated them w/ antibiotics and now must toss their eggs for two whole months. UGH.
I have had my chickens for over a year and still dont have a good concept of how the whole egg production thing works.

My different place is I can't afford vet bills, I do have kids. I clean coops and take care of the birds daily and my girls love them, hold them and help me. People are just rude to send you mean e-mails about what you do with your time and money. So sorry you have had to go through all that you have with your hens and I hope they are healthy for you again. Take care
Just saw this posting this morning and wanted to say how sorry I am for what happened to your pet and for any negative comments you received. I appreciate you taking the time to make updates because I have a pullet that I am concerned for as she pants much more than any of the others. Just starting my research, and your post came up first for the day. Thank you for sharing your experience, as I have already learned things from it, and that is what BYC is all about.

Best wishes

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