Hens won’t let drake mate.


Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
Hello, I just got 5 new Muscovy hens and most of them are laying. I got them for my male and they won’t let him mate...if he try’s they fly up on a roost, but if he catches one of the girls he will pin her down and just run his bill across her back. Why is this? The hens came from a huge flock of over 100 and where free range. Any advice is greatly appreciated thank you 😊
A male duck will mate A LOT in a day during the springtime. It's never just a one and done for the day type of thing. More then likely he has been mating with them during all hours of the day/night and by the time you see them the females aren't ready for round 3...or 4...or 5...for the day. The best way to tell if he has been successfully mating is by cracking a few eggs open and looking to see if it's just a Blastodisc (little lighter colored spot in yolk with no bullseye-unfertile) or a Blastoderm (bullseye around the colored spot in yolk-fertile).
They just sit here.
A male duck will mate A LOT in a day during the springtime. It's never just a one and done for the day type of thing. More then likely he has been mating with them during all hours of the day/night and by the time you see them the females aren't ready for round 3...or 4...or 5...for the day. The best way to tell if he has been successfully mating is by cracking a few eggs open and looking to see if it's just a Blastodisc (little lighter colored spot in yolk with no bullseye-unfertile) or a Blastoderm (bullseye around the colored spot in yolk-fertile).
The thing is I’m almost positive they aren’t because the hens are always on the roost.

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