hens won't stop screaming and throwing tantrums


10 Years
May 14, 2009
We have 6 various bantie hens ages 5-2 years old, and we changed the set up of their pen a couple months ago. They have a pen that is about 200' X 200', which seems pretty good sized for 6 tiny banties, in the past they've had a run about that size in a different location, and would free range from time to time, but they kept wandering farther and farther across our 2.5 acres, and it seemed like they were never satisfied with their freedom and always wanted more. We had to put an end to their free range time due to safety issues, and because they're very destructive to flower beds and making huge holes in the lawn etc. A couple months ago we also upgraded to an automatic door, so they could go out a bit earlier, and I could sleep in a bit later... but instead I'm waking up to SCREAMING chickens. They have food... they have water... they throw tantrums because they want OUT of their pen. Anytime they see me, or my dogs in the yard they will all start screaming together and throwing a fit, it's really obnoxious. I've resorted to spraying them with a hose sometimes, but in all honestly it really isn't working, and I don't want to piss off my neighbors. Will they eventually accept the fact that this is their new home, and shut up?
I hope somebody responds, my girls are all screaming over using the same nest box. They're driving me crazy and I'm afraid the neighbors will complain.
They all want a particular nest? Even though there are other nests available? Try putting two or three golf balls in the unliked nest. Chickens look in and think, "oh several think this is a good idea. Sometimes a single ball is not enough.
I do have a single golf ball in each of the "other" nest boxes. I'll try putting in some more. Thanks!
I have 2 hens. 1 is a buff orpington, "Buffy." A sweet hen. The other one is a blue wyandott, "Dotty." Dotty is a sweet hen, except when she has tantrums! And her cackle, chatter carries (so very loud). I have tried everything to get her under control. When she doesn't get her way, she is very VOCAL!! These two hens have 2 cages the size of 9x12' with a tunnel that they can travel through to get to each cage. They have enough room. So, like other posts, Dot wants what she wants. She wants the cage door left open to the yard when she wakes up for the day! So noisy about it. I have to just tell her no, I am in charge. Unfortunately, it takes her about 1 hour to figure out her tantrum does nothing. I too, am afraid neighbors will complain. But...I think it is not any different than a noisy wild bird or a neighbor dog barking continuously.
I have tried everything, spray water bottle, chasing her to pick her up and hugging her, because she doesn't like being picked up. Even sitting in the cages with them. Nothing works.. I tell her she will have to live somewhere else, she seems to stop for a minute,, thinking about it..lol Appears Dotty is vocal until she wears herself out!! Stubborn brown eyed girl!! I love these hens, but they are stubborn!

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