Hentronix door with wi-fi app


Mar 1, 2021
Downeast Maine
Who else has a Hentronix door with wi-fi app? I'd like to hear from others to understand whether I just have an unusually quirky individual door or there is a larger issue.
I have the large side-opening door with wi-fi app. I installed it in April 2022. Within a few weeks I started seeing issues with it. Mostly, it loses wi-fi connection (as in, the app "forgets" which wifi it should be connecting to) - despite the wifi mesh router being within a few feet and having a very strong signal. More recently, it will also lose Bluetooth connectivity, and the only way to reconnect is to reset the door by unplugging it and plugging it back in.
Most concerning of all, in the past 8-10 weeks it will just stop working, leaving my chickens locked inside or worse, exposed to predators, when the door fails to open or close at the appointed time.

Hentronix support has not been able to resolve this - they've had me do updates to the app and to the firmware, and things will work awhile and then fail again. I'm also more than a little frustrated with them since this has been going on over six months now, and getting them to respond to my emails in less than a week has been impossible. I've also gotten My Pet Chicken involved since I bought it through MPC. Neither have been able to resolve the matter and my requests for a refund are also falling on deaf ears - so basically I'm out $350 for a door that has to be propped shut with a brick as often as not. 😭🤯

Has anyone else run into these issues? Any advice?
I did see one post here saying that even though the door is plugged in it also needs a battery. I'm not sure that's applicable. I do not have a battery, only a plug.

I'm so bummed about this because I designed the coop specifically to work with this size and style of door. It's a beautiful door, and when it works it's completely amazing. But the fact that it's hit or miss is incredibly stressful, especially since it seems to fail just before I have to leave town for several days, adding a huge burden for whoever is watching my flock.
I agree with your frustration! I bought mine directly from Hentronix. Worked flawlessly for a week. Battery started losing power. Bought it inside and connected to charger - never charged. Contacted Edward who seems to run the show. Said he would send a replacement out “today” with a tracking number. Never got a tracking number and now no response from him. 😖😖😖
I agree with your frustration! I bought mine directly from Hentronix. Worked flawlessly for a week. Battery started losing power. Bought it inside and connected to charger - never charged. Contacted Edward who seems to run the show. Said he would send a replacement out “today” with a tracking number. Never got a tracking number and now no response from him. 😖😖😖
My advice to you is to continue with your contacting him - you are right that Edward runs the show, though I've at times suspected Edward is actually three foxes in a trenchcoat!

I bought my door through MyPetChicken in March 2022, it started having issues in June 2022, and with the persistence and aid of the MPC staff the issue was finally resolved in November 2022. Hentronix released two firmware updates that should have helped and didn't, and had me try a dozen different things. Along the way I also threatened a chargeback through my credit card company, which may have been the turning point.

Ultimately they did ship me a whole new door, which has worked completely flawlessly since the moment it was installed, even in -45F windchill, heavy snow, and so on. If the first door had worked as well as this new door I would have been singing Hentronix' praises from the rooftops, because it truly is the Cadillac of automatic doors... when it works.

I observed that Edward mostly answered emails on Tuesdays, so you might try timing your weekly check-ins for Monday afternoon so that they're waiting on Tuesday morning UK time. If you purchased through another retailer like MPC, get them involved as well. I had gotten the "we'll send you a tracking number" message when the new one shipped, but it took a couple of reminders before it was eventually sent.

In the meantime if I can help in any way let me know!
Oh, Hentronix. I have a love - hate - love - hate relationship with Hentronix over the years. I own two of their doors now, because they are the best side opening door on the market. They ARE quirky, and sometimes downright maddening, but it's gotten better over the last 2-3 years. His latest model is really nice and has been working well. My first door was through my pet chicken, bought with their bungalow coop. This is not a winning combination unless you make some modifications. Namely, getting Edward's wooden door and frame, screwing that to a larger piece of plywood, and then screwing all of that to the bungalow. Unless you do that, you'll need to work harder to be sure the bungalow door is shutting tightly. And then when it's humid and the wood expands, the door may not open! You need to use the hentronix door/frame combo. The app works better than it did, but I wasn't able to connect to my door today. I also still cannot add my old door to the app (I just got a new phone). You have to fiddle with it a bit.

Edward has scared me quite a bit from time to time over the years by disappearing randomly - but he always has come through over the years. I get the sense that it's just him, perhaps working a day job.

Either way, I have two of his doors because the quality is good, and because I need side Openers. I believe Edward will continue make the app better, and I recently needed his help and he came through well.

I love the two foxes in a raincoat idea! Ha!
I have to disagree. I found this company to have THE WORST customer service in creation! No replies to e-mails, problematic batteries/chargers. Omlet doors are far superior and they are side opening. I tore out my Hentronix, put it in the trash and installed the Omlet and never looked back.
I have to disagree. I found this company to have THE WORST customer service in creation! No replies to e-mails, problematic batteries/chargers. Omlet doors are far superior and they are side opening. I tore out my Hentronix, put it in the trash and installed the Omlet and never looked back.
I certainly won't argue with you about the horrible customer service for Hentronix - Edward has always come through for me, but he has made me wait, sometimes without communication, which I hated.

I didn't choose Omlet because I don't think they are superior for what I need - they don't do solar as easily (if at all?) and they don't allow you to control the door from anywhere in the world, as well as check on the status of the door (open/closed) from anywhere in the world. I travel a lot for work, and vacation (although less so), so those two are big ones for me.

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