Her first egg. And last?

Well ****... I went this morning to feed them as usual and she was the only one still sitting on her stick. She was breathing heavily. I though it's a stuck egg, I massaged her and I think I felt it. I removed her from the flock, put her in warm water as I read on the net and waited about 1 hour. No signs of getting better. She was like a bag of potatoes. 1 hour later she had a seizure and died. I will open her later to see what went wrong. This is incredibly frustrating. She had no signs of getting sick.
So she looks like a very healthy chicken inside, except the liver. I don't have too much experience, but I think that it's way too big compared to the rest of the body. Also, there are some white spots on the liver that shouldn't have been there. I think this is the cause of the heavy breathing, it pushed on her lungs. I would like your opinions too. Here is a picture of the liver:

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That looks like my black sex link hen, Shirley! She is about 20-21 weeks old. We were so excited to find her first egg yesterday, but there was nothing waiting for us today... wondering how long it will be for her next gift. We are in New Orleans - daily highs right now are about 80-85 and lows about 70.
i love you avater, gravelandgrubs! what breed is that chickens? it look like my Alpha
Oh, man I am so sorry to her about your bird! **** that is awful. I would be so so so upset.

Aaisha, my avatar is a buff orpington for my other hen, Laverne. Her waddles and comb aren't all the way in yet, but she looks a lot like that pic. Gorgeous birds.
Took the liver to the vet and he immediately said it's some sort of viral liver cancer and there's a 90% chance that all the flock will have the same fate. Best day ever.
Right now they are fine, but the vet said it's only a matter of time. But now I'm worried that the place is infected and it will spread to future flocks.

EDIT: 2nd one down.
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So as the vet said that they will all die, I thought that I have nothing to lose and gave them an indian anti viral for humans. It's made out of plants so I figured it can't make it worse for them. None of them died yet and the one who was the worst (spitting yellow liquid, eyes closed all day, not eating and pooping only water) recovered one day after I started treating them. I am so mad that I didn't try this earlier.

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