Herding rottweilers?

A person with a REALLy big shepherd's crook.
And I'm not sure Rotties would be a flock. Maybe a gaggle? Herd? Pod?
A herd of rottweilers, now that makes me laugh.

I already have a rottweiler. His name is Shy Little Jester, or Jess for short. He is a good boy. We are working on a CGC, but he is still young in the head. Jess just shows an interest in them, so I was wondering about training him to do it. I want to do agility with him too because he loves to jump and he's crazy smart, loves to work and is just in general a great dog.

I just wanted to know if anyone has ever seen/done something before with their dog, or seen it at a trial.
I've done agility with my dog, it's great fun. I would wait to do jumps until your dog was over 2 years old, as jumping before then can break/injure their growth plates. Other elements are fine though. The trainer will probably mention that anyway.

Some other fun things I do with my dog- freestyle, sniffing games - leads to tracking and SAR. A trainer we worked with did Search and Rescue with her rotties. They excelled. She did tell a funny story though;
One time she and her dog were out searching for an injured hiker, he had passed out and when he came to he freaked out because he thought he was being attacked by a huge bear. Really it was the rott just finding him, but after that day, the trainer made all her dogs, male or female, wear hot pink vests!

Good luck whatevery you decide to do. You sound like a great dog mom, wanting your dog to do activities and sports.
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I've seen a Rottie being trained to herd. He had a great drive and by the end of the year (3 lessons a week), he was herding them and during our student competition he gave us all a run for our money. Our points were all so close, the Rottie came in 4th.
Don't give up on her yet - the breeder of my Australian Shepherd said one of her dogs had no interest either. She used to take him along for the ride when she'd take other dogs to herding lessons, leave him in the truck with the windows wide open, he'd sleep until they went home. One day, she took a young dog to its first herding lesson, and while the instructor was getting the sheep set up for the lesson, the older dog leapt out of the truck, came barreling across the field, and rounded up the sheep like an old hand. The dog was SEVEN years old!
I have a rotti who would laugh at the very suggestion she should heard anything. In fact, getting off the couch tends to be a bit taxing for her. She will, however, check on the chicks in the bathroom brooder and is deeply concerned if they peep too much.

Sometimes I swear she is counting them to make sure thay are all there!

She would not heard anything though. She doesn't like it too hot or too cold. Then there is the rain and wind. Oh my, that prima donna!!!

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