Here are my new babies!! How old do they look to you?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 25, 2010
I picked these up on Thursday. The seller said that they were hatched on Monday. I think they look older though. They are already trying to fly out of the brooder whenever I uncover it (especially the Plymouth Rock ones) Do you think they are older than a week?

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Sorry I messed up on the size of the photos. Here is one that should be bigger.

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hmm.. mine look exactly like this and they are one week old as of yesterday...
barred rock and EE's right? i have the same and they look exactly like this. they were hatched last monday. so one week and 1 day old.
Two Buff Orpingtons, two Barred Rocks, and two Easter Eggers are pictured. I am supposed to get two Bovan Browns to add to my flock in about three weeks.

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