~~Here be spooders!!!!~~ ( and other critters!!)

GUYS so GUESS what JUST happened THIS morning:

I saw a jumping spider hanging out on the living room window. I had a plastic enclosure ready, so I ran out real quick and set it up with a nice, loose-dirt floor, several climbing branches, a couple of small plants, and a little curved-bark hide. Then I obtained the aforementioned spider and put him in! After he realized he couldn't just jump out, he went to exploring. We let him be for a little bit, just so he could get used to his new surroundings.

Later today he received his first meal and a name! I caught a lacewing for him and he loved it. It was really cool watching him stalk and catch it!

His name is Jasper and he's a big male Bold Jumping Spider. Very cool-looking!

So yeah, now I have a jumper!! :D:celebrate

Will get pics ASAP

Jumping spider from today.
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Hello y’all!! Bigggggg update, but not on the jumpers yet!
I drove my dad to an appointment he had just to get some extra driving experience, while he was at his appointment I was wondering around and found a lil pet store by hobby lobby! I go in and guess what I see!!!!!!
A stripe knee tarantula that I fell in love with!! She was cheap and super beautiful……sooo…..
ahhhhh!!!!! I’m so happy!!!! She’s beautiful!!! She hasn’t eaten for me yet, so I’ll keep y’all updated on that!

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