Here is something that will help you with your LG

Kung Foo Chicken

11 Years
Sep 11, 2008
Upstate, South Carolina
I haven't told this to many because I pick up a few LG's full stocked for very cheap over craigslist and such from first hatchers giving up on them.

The top and bottom of the LG do not fit together well so humidity and temps fluctuate a lot. Why put all the vent holes in the incubator when there is a
huge gap running around the sides? A little weatherstripping tape and humidity and temps stabilize a lot. I really noticed this while reading the
boards here about making homemade incubators and seeing how many vent holes are used. The vent holes of the LG are right but, that gap is not.

If temps are a little low just stand there for a few seconds and the indicator light turns off, barely bump up to turn the indicator back on.
If temps are a little high just stand there for a few seconds and the indicator light turns on, barely bump down to turn the indicator back off.
(about 1 degree each way)

It really does help if there is some humidity in the room you are placing the LG in.
Kitchens are terrible for it because the oven just soaks up the humidity in the room. Bathrooms just make the humidity higher when people are in the shower.
A closet, basement, empty room, etc makes better spots.

I set it and forget it. I only doing periodic checks on humidity every 3-4 days. If I need to add water to the trays I just lift up one of the
clear plastic panels a little and use a squeeze bottle directed into a straw into the water tray.

I don't bother with the egg turner, when it comes time I just unplug when it is upright. I have to adjust up one degree because the turner motor stops
producing heat.

My hatches have been doing very well. I'm getting 8 dozen of RIR eggs tomorrow.
Great info! Thanks for posting. Last year I realized that I got better hatches in my LG by leaving it the heck alone and placement, placement, placement. Works great in the basement. I'll have to pick up some weather stripping.

Do you ever have an issue with the chicks getting stuck in the turner cups? Do you use the new style turner (molded) or the older (plastic cups you have to snap in)?
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Well most of mine came with the spikey turner cups (old style). I just use enough of them for the eggs that I have.
Every so often a chick will get stuck but, tends to free themselves up usually. If it doesn't appear to be doing this
I just tilt one of the clear tops up just a little and quickly push it over to the middle with a wooden spatula.
Hiiiii-YA! Another tip is to cover the viewing windows (I use a couple of books, since I am overrun with books, and they are the correct size) --- makes a HUGE difference in keeping temperatures stable.

I used your weather stripping tip on a 'thrown-together' bator that is a Hova top with a wafer thermostat (lost the bottom) and a LG top upside-down (top had a bad thermostat and mice ate the bottom in storage) *stuck together*. They fit together, but didn't make a good seal. Much better now and good for another 50+ eggs.

edited for stupid
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Thanks for the tip. After reading I put some spare weatherstripping around, and WOW! what a difference. I went from 1-2 degree fluxuations, down to less than a 1/2 degree. What a world of difference. My humidity increased also(bonus). I hope everyone tries this. cheers!
I haven't told this to many because I pick up a few LG's full stocked for very cheap over craigslist and such from first hatchers giving up on them

That's terrible HAHAHAHA

Thanks for this info!

I am 10 days into my first hatch (ever!) with an LG still air. I tried it out in the kitchen and temps fluctuated terribly on me. I moved it to my bedroom and it's been holding almost perfect for 10 days now.
I have 16 out of 24 going strong (the 8 never even started).

I will pick up some weather stripping before my next hatch....or....maybe I'll pick it up before I go into lockdown for the sake of holding humidity.

Thanks again. This would have been helpful info for me to have that first day when I was trying it out!​
That's terrible HAHAHAHA

Haha yeah I got about 10 of them towards the end of summer last year.
One of them a friend threw into his barn and sold to me for 10.00 with turner
and forced air.
He couldn't hatch anything in it.

They have such a bad reputation that nobody else will pick them up so they
go for very cheap. I don't need any more.
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I haven't told this to many because I pick up a few LG's full stocked for very cheap over craigslist and such from first hatchers giving up on them

My first Little Giant incubator (Oct '05) is still going strong and has been used to start eggs every week since then.
Now I bet I'll never see an incubator cheap for sale...


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