Here we go again: another roo?


12 Years
Jun 9, 2007
Central Ohio
Today I just dropped off my GLW cockerel at his new home (a friend who owns a small farm with ducks, peacocks and goats), and I'm thinking that one of my remaining four chickens is a boy.

When Zipper was a young chick, I wondered about whether he might grow up to be a roo. I even posted here with pics because I noticed a difference.

Well, Zipper and RosieDaisy (she goes by both names, so I thought I might as well combine them...courtesy of my niece!) are now 10 weeks old, and the differences are a little more stark. Please look at the pictures below and tell me if you all think Zipper is a boy:

Zipper's head shot. Notice the wattles and the red around the eyes and ears, neither of which the other Dominique has.


The best head shot I could get of RosieDaisy (and Ruby my BO trying desperately to get into the picture):


Finally, both chicks together. Notice the difference in their barring and also in their tail feathers. Zipper is the one in the foreground, closest to the camera:


Alright everyone, what do you think?

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In that last pic the one in the back looks more like a cockerel to me than the one in the foreground. Wider white bars, longer tail. Honestly, it's a little hard to tell right now. Neither of them really has a cockerel's coloring, but the face shouldn't have much red in it at ten weeks old.
Thanks's funny how two chickens of the same breed can look SO different! I really want them both to be girls. Really, really want that.

I agree, the one in the back is more rooish to me too. How old are they again? Neither strike me as 100% roo yet. More like pullets getting ready to lay with the small comb development.
Okay, great! This is good news so far.
They're 10 weeks old...

Interestingly, Daisy is the one in the back and she torments poor Zipper (her bullying ways are still very much alive). But she has absolutely no red on her yet, still just pink, and no wattles to speak of.


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