Here we go again... broody hens sitting on 14 eggs.

Dec 16, 2018
west, michigan
So some of you may have seen my broody calico Cochin thread, well here we go again!
so I have 5 out of 6 bantams broody right now (‘tis the season) And I was going to toss all of the eggs because I have a broody with 5 chicks right now, but I forgot to collect them and remembered last night. So my other calico Cochin was around Day 7-10. I didn’t have the heart to toss the eggs now that they have started to really develop, so I moved the eggs and the hen to a cage, well the calico hen was not having that, so I put her back and tried another random broody hen, she was just standing there, but I was hopeful, but just in case I tossed in my silver sebright broody hen, so now I have 2 hens sitting on 14 eggs...
I will update with pics later.
Here are the eggs (actually 13 not 14)
And a pic I took last night of both hens, but now there is only 1.
Well my mottled Cochin has been sitting on the eggs, and last night I opened the door of the coop and I see a baby chick struggling on the floor. I went to pick it up and it has a small cut under its eye, and it’s leg twitches. I think what happened Is the chick went thru the bars of the cage (I didnt think thye would hatch so soon so I didnt put hardware cloth up) and one of the hens or rooster attacked it. It’s still alive this morning and looks better, but I may have to put it down. So far there are only 2, but another has pipped.

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