Heritage Dual-Purpose Breed Recommendations?


5 Years
Jul 9, 2017
Hi All!
I am looking into starting a sustainable meat and egg production program on my college's farm and I am looking for breed recommendations. I think that a dual purpose breed would work best and I would love to work with a heritage breed (we can also get more funding with a heritage breed which would help us get started and support the program).
The breeds I have been looking at so far are Wyandottes, Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks and Jersey Giants.
I have been raising egg birds as a hobby for 15 years now so I have experience with RI Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks, but I have never had other breeds that might work for meat and egg production. Does anyone have any experience with these breeds or recommendations for other dual-purpose breeds?
Thank you very much!
Hi All!
I am looking into starting a sustainable meat and egg production program on my college's farm and I am looking for breed recommendations. I think that a dual purpose breed would work best and I would love to work with a heritage breed (we can also get more funding with a heritage breed which would help us get started and support the program).
The breeds I have been looking at so far are Wyandottes, Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks and Jersey Giants.
I have been raising egg birds as a hobby for 15 years now so I have experience with RI Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks, but I have never had other breeds that might work for meat and egg production. Does anyone have any experience with these breeds or recommendations for other dual-purpose breeds?
Thank you very much!
I don't know if you're still looking for recommendations but Sussex chickens are a great dual purpose bird. They used to be the meat bird of England and are excellent layers as well. Granted their eggs are a bit on the smaller side (or at least mine are) but my Speckled Sussex lays 5 eggs a week for me usually.
I don't know if you're still looking for recommendations but Sussex chickens are a great dual purpose bird. They used to be the meat bird of England and are excellent layers as well. Granted their eggs are a bit on the smaller side (or at least mine are) but my Speckled Sussex lays 5 eggs a week for me usually.
Yes, I am definitely going to look into the Sussex. Right now, the breeds I am considering are buff Orpingtons, wyandottes, speckled sussex, australorps, barred rocks, jersey giants, RI or NH reds, or delawares. The breeds I am most interested in are the buff orps, barred rocks, RI reds, and sussexes.
Like you, I chose our chicks to order based on those same qualification needs.
In fact, that's pretty much what I either have already or have on order.

From my recollection as a kid and based on the one we have now, Barred Rock tends to top out as most docile. Both of my Ameracaunas are jerky or aloof. The particular Orpington I own is the fattest, sassiest, peckiest hen although my research send Orpington tends to be a docile "pet" quality of chicken. Wyandotte and Rhode Islands are both nice farm staples here. The others listed are in my chick order.

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