Heritage & Exhibition Turkey Thread

I'm with you there, Arielle. I would like to show my new poults, only because the poults I recieved, over half of them have split wing. Seems the heritage hatcheries need to concentrate on SOP instead of production. I'd like to start breeding SQ turkeys. Anyone else do turkeys at show? I'd be willing to put up with the weight of transporting them from car to show, if only to have people see how beautiful and friendly they are.

On the other hand, I'd be scared that someone would bring in a disease to my bird. I remember visiting a horse farm and before we were allowed to touch the horses, we had to wash our hands in a weak bleach solution. It seemed like overkill at the moment, but now I can see the reason behind it.
I thought my poults had split wing-- the first wing feathers, the primaries, made it look like split wing. I asked Mr Porter, and he said no this was not split wing. My recollection is that turkeys don't have that problem. How old are your poults???

I have horses and I am careful about exposure to OTHER HORSES, not people. It s the horse diseases like colds that are a problem. Walking horse tohorse patting noses is NOT a good idea. ANd I never let my youngsters eat grass at a horse show.
Is there a website for sop standards? the websites at the beginning of this thread aren't up anymore. Is split wing a DQ? I surely won't be breeding that.
Cannot copy SOP as it is copyrighted by APA. HOwever old SOPs are on line and can be found by savy internet users. ANyone want to try??

Are you sure it is split wing?? Walt Leonards says to count the feathers to determine split wing, as I remember.
I don't know if mine is split wing or not. Now he seems to be holding them right. Before he held them odd and it looked like the front part of his wing hung down at a funny angle. I know they are strong. I got busted in the mouth last night while trying to move Jim off a very small cane pole I have up for a roost for the small chickens. He was on it and it was bowed and swaying. lol

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