Heritage White Dorking Thread

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the Dorking breed and have recently put in an order for White Dorking chicks "sometime" in the spring.
I'm very excited about working with this ancient breed and am especially interested in trying my hand at making capons. It's clearly going to be a bit of a waiting game to get my breeding stock, so I'm getting some Silver Grays from Murray McMurray to practice with while I wait patiently
for my breeders. My goal is to serve a Dorking capon for Thanksgiving 2016. Wish me luck.

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the Dorking breed and have recently put in an order for White Dorking chicks "sometime" in the spring.:yiipchick  I'm very excited about working with this ancient breed and am especially interested in trying my hand at making capons.  It's clearly going to be a bit of a waiting game to get my breeding stock, so I'm getting some Silver Grays from Murray McMurray to practice with while I wait patiently :fl  for my breeders.  My goal is to serve a Dorking capon for Thanksgiving 2016. Wish me luck.  


Patience is a virtue that anyone wanting to do Dorkings is familiar with.

I have one cockerel and one pullet red Dorking. I'm waiting on colored and whites in the spring.
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I few pictures of the birds in the breeding pen. The pictures were taken with the cell phone. A cockerel and two pullets.

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