He's kinda scruffy looking. Is that normal for his age (3 mo.)?

Scruffy?.....absolutely not....they look lovely.

THIS is scruffy.


The poultry saddle covers the worst.....completely bald, and has been this day for best part of a year. She will soon be 6 and that is ancient for a production brown (who still lays 5 eggs a week).
have to add 'looks normal' too and beautiful. you can give a few more worms for protein when helping with the moult etc my chickens need to grow all their feathers as theyre ex battery so i put a scattering of mealworms everyday down for them. it has worked a treat. I also scramble some of their eggs for them at the weekend.
NOT scruffy! she's beautiful.
"poultry saddle"....that's yet another new one to me....is this for any one particular use, or just general safety/health for the girl?
And where would I get one if I needed it?
The saddles are to stop the backs being ripped by the over-enthusiastic boys largely. Old Warren has a padded one with wing guards to keep her warm as well as scratch free....she is still irresistible to them.

Poultry suppliers often sell them, and they can usually be bought off eBay, too.

The ones I buy are heavy grade canvas which is waterproof, with or without padding and they last for years.

just noticed ads. at the top and the bottom of this page for hen 'aprons' and poultry saddles. Don't know if these ads. are only coming up in the UK though.
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