Hey any Gay members?????

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If GOD wanted people to be gay HE wouldn't have destroyed Soddam and Gomorah. AND he wouldn't have created MAN AND WOMAN only---he would have made a man/woman a man/man and a womanwoman pair.

You say gay couple have children?? That is not natural at all! If they allow this thread to continue I may never post on BYC again. I will be looking for a more FAMILY orientated site that is for sure. Not a SINFUL site.


Now these type of reponses WILL get this thread closed. Religion has nothing to do with CHICKENS!
Seriously?! Somthing like this? on a CHICKEN FOURM? Wow, im amazed that this has gone as far as it has. Yes. i know a Bi person. I do not Judge. But i think it is wrong, they are Sodemites in Mine and my Family's eyes. And God's eyes too, What would Jesus Christ do if he came back right now and saw 2men or 2woman Kissing and junk? i think it makes God sick! it sure does make me sick. I have said Enough on this Topic/Thread!

ETA - This will cause nothing but and ugly argument between Friends & memebers! I Pray this gets closed ASAP!
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try the OW thread if you're looking for objectionable
I didn't get to read the post before it was pulled but if it is simply talking about being gay, yes it is family friendly, lots of gay people have healthy children who lead normal functional lives.

I'm confused. What is wrong, is people who torment other people who raise healthy families by consenting non abusive adults, because those people have a personal problem with someone else being born a certain way or has a lifestyle that doesn't harm anyone, that someone else doesn't like.

If GOD wanted people to be gay HE wouldn't have destroyed Soddam and Gomorah. AND he wouldn't have created MAN AND WOMAN only---he would have made a man/woman a man/man and a womanwoman pair.

You say gay couple have children?? That is not natural at all! If they allow this thread to continue I may never post on BYC again. I will be looking for a more FAMILY orientated site that is for sure. Not a SINFUL site.

Are you kidding me? Do me a favor and never post on BYC again.

Let people be themselves. I'm leaving this thread, as I don't want to argue on this matter... Have fun chatting y'all!

I think that religion should stay out of this. BYC rules.
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Everybody bathes, and everybody's children know that people bathe. However, there are very likely children on here who do not know the modern meaning of 'gay', and it's because the parents aren't ready to discuss it. We really don't want BYC getting a bad reputation because a kid goes to her mom and says, "Mom, what does it mean for somebody to be gay?" Or worse, "Why were they so upset about a thread about people being happy?"

and there is people who don't want their children to know about other religions, does this mean us non Christians should stay quiet about it so as not to risk corrupting their children?

Good point...
If GOD wanted people to be gay HE wouldn't have destroyed Soddam and Gomorah. AND he wouldn't have created MAN AND WOMAN only---he would have made a man/woman a man/man and a womanwoman pair.

You say gay couple have children?? That is not natural at all! If they allow this thread to continue I may never post on BYC again. I will be looking for a more FAMILY orientated site that is for sure. Not a SINFUL site.

Um, really? I was raised in a home that was very God-based, very conservative Christian parents, homeschooled till high school, but I'd never assert myself to judge like you just did and call this site "SINFUL"... casting stones, judging not, and all that. If you dont like this thread stay out, make sure your kids arent online without supervision, and be nice. You don't have to agree with the choice but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to show Christion love, to judge would be "SINFUL".....

OK, sorry, tried to say that nicely, don't want to get in trouble, I'll go back where I belong....

Thank you, you posted exactly what I was thinking.
Just FYI-I AM a Christian.
I didn't get to read the post before it was pulled but if it is simply talking about being gay, yes it is family friendly, lots of gay people have healthy children who lead normal functional lives.

I'm confused. What is wrong, is people who torment other people who raise healthy families by consenting non abusive adults, because those people have a personal problem with someone else being born a certain way or has a lifestyle that doesn't harm anyone, that someone else doesn't like.

If GOD wanted people to be gay HE wouldn't have destroyed Soddam and Gomorah. AND he wouldn't have created MAN AND WOMAN only---he would have made a man/woman a man/man and a womanwoman pair.

You say gay couple have children?? That is not natural at all! If they allow this thread to continue I may never post on BYC again. I will be looking for a more FAMILY orientated site that is for sure. Not a SINFUL site.

you're religion you follow your beliefs, don't push your religion on me and try to tell me how to live my life based on a book from your belief system
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So far all this thread has proven is why DH and I have a 17 year old foster kid. Yup, he's gay. Amazingly enough, he's a decent kid, works hard, does great in school, and a very kind and good person. We also allow our 14 y/o DD work for a gay man because he's a good employer.

I know far far more heterosexual people who are people who I don't want to be around or allow my kids to be around. Including apparently some in this thread.
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