Hey any Gay members?????

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Sounds like you have raised a strong responsible young man

He's mostly raised himself actually, we just got him. He is friends with DS18, and got thrown out of his home recently. He just figured he'd be better off to not cause trouble to get him away from home as soon as possible. He's a good kid, I'm glad to have him with us so I can mother hen another kid for a year.
Wow, just wow! Just a few minutes ago there was only one response.

I'm a live and let live kind of person. I don't care what your religion is or what your sexuality is, I will judge you by your actions. If you are a good person and treat others well, I like you - if not, I don't.

I am not qualified to judge what is a "sin" and what isn't.
Again... we are always told if we dont like a thread subject to just click out of it... or dont open it at all... right?
Just saying...
I think that would be the appropriate thing for "some" folks to do with this thread and leave the poor OP in peace...
Hes done nothing wrong.... violated no BYC rules... (that i am aware of?).... hes been polite and respectful...
I have to agree! Everyone deserves respect, human dignity, and compassion no matter if they are male/female, gay/straight, or what religion they follow. I can't oppose people for anything like this, and everyone has the potential to be a wonderful human being or a jerk.
If GOD wanted people to be gay HE wouldn't have destroyed Soddam and Gomorah. AND he wouldn't have created MAN AND WOMAN only---he would have made a man/woman a man/man and a womanwoman pair.

You say gay couple have children?? That is not natural at all! If they allow this thread to continue I may never post on BYC again. I will be looking for a more FAMILY orientated site that is for sure. Not a SINFUL site.


This is why we can't have nice things, like civil discussions.
This isn't a religion topic. Would it be okay for the religious chat to be moved somewhere else?
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