Hey any Gay members?????

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Thanks mods for letting us have this thread. I dont have the problem of being in society with other people just cause i am not like ooooh im gay. They can believe what they want to, but also my family and friends are very supportive of it, since we have a few lgbt members in our fam. I have a problem with my gay friends. I cant talk to them much about it cause they think im just wierd about it, im like you dont understand, They are so much fun and are addicting. Its like smoking but without the bad sideffects lol.
This site is about what we all have in common poultry.So what one does in their own bedroom is their own business. I have alot of gay ,transgendered, friends & some family members. I see n.othing wrong with the post. I live in the very rural area & sometimes just have to walk away from stupid people.
We all bleed red, we all hurt from pain so why dish out more? It serves no purpose.We come here to talk about our chickens, ducks, turkeys etc. So for God's sake just get along if you don't like the thread don't post hate just move along
Thanks Look for the love in people & the good it is so much more worthwhile.
While i am not, i would like to say that our school (thanks to a very awesome teacher!! She is a nut and would get along with Redhen (that kinda of crazy funny)) Has a gay-straight-allence. I have meant times to go sit in on a meeting the bulling out there (our school is a "clickly" school) is horrendous and has to stop, i think most kids these days (geee saying that makes me feel old
) should walk a day in the life of other people i feel disapointed in todays day and age kids have no respect for other cultires or (gee i don't think this word is ok for BYC so i am going to leve it out) orientations. Any my rant
WOW cant believe how much this thread has grown since I first looked and posted!

I actually was raised by 2 gay women so my family functions are pretty gay friendly!

My grandmother has been gay for about half of her life, she is in her 60s, ever since she divorced her first husband who was a pretty bad guy. As of now she has a girlfriend that she has been with for 20+ years. She has had a very sucessful life as a health inspector for the hospitals and nursing homes in my state. The live together in a huge house and have taken turns raising various kids in the family. They also have a room mate who was also a GF of my grandmothers years ago, Jody, who is a huge and important part of my family as she and my grandma raised my mother and her brothers and sisters pretty much the whole time they were growing up.

Jody in perticular has had a pretty hard life due to intolerance. She is in her late 70s and growing up had a very devout, old-fashioned Catholic family. When she 'came out' in her early 20s her mother and older brother literally beat her unconcious. After that she was admitted into a mental institution for therapy to help her not be gay. Her church was also very involved causing her to lose a scolar ship they had awarded her previously so collage was out of the question for her...She eventually moved out of the area after a few years of abuse from her family and church....She is obviously still gay and is a very devout Catholic attending church 2x a week...She figures that considering they preach tolerance for your fellow man God will be alright with her just the way she is. She is a very strong lady.

And before anyone assumes that I am gay/bi for living with gays pretty much my whole life....Im the only other gay/bi person in the family..Out of 4 children my grandma and Jody raised together not a single one is gay and they are all married. My Aunts and Uncle and mom have about 20 of us kids between them and Im the only gay/bi..So nobody worry! I swear its not catching and your kids prolly wont become gay by opening this thread
I too am glad to see this thread reopened.

To the OP- life is too short to worry about what others think.


I didn't read the entire thread. I'm going off of the OP's original question.

I live in a small town. Our house is on a dirt road, our closest neighbor is a mile & half away, we have no cable, no landline, it's as in the sticks as you can be around here. Our closest town is nine miles away and not much to speak of. A store, a gas station ... eleventeen churches, no traffic light. Small, under 1000 people. There is a rather large gay community here.

Generally, it's well accepted. Generally. You still have the stereotypical redneck type who has to pop off with their ignorant mouths, but I think you get that anywhere.

Our closest neighbors are a gay couple. They're the nicest guys. They split their perennials and bulbs and sell them at the bottom of their driveway every year. I live to see that wagon, LOL.

I have several co-workers who are gay, and just recently found out a very dear old friend was gay. To me, it's no big deal.

And anyways, our chickens don't care if we're gay or straight or what have you, right? Isn't that all that REALLY matters?


I am sorry that anyone must feel out of place or outcast especially during family functions. I am not gay but have known gay people, and I support them because that is their business. As someone said, be yourself and anyone who disagrees with your lifestyle, you should try to limit your time around them, even if they are family. They may not learn to accept you but as long as you stay true to yourself that is what counts.
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