Hey any Gay members?????

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Yay on this thread staying open!! And OP - may you find many BYC friends to talk about life's challenges with. Nothing beats a supportive group of friends
Can I make a suggestion? If someone posts something hateful, let's all just ignore it. They've already been warned by the mods to move on. So any interactions with them is only going to spur on a debate and get this closed due to arguing. Let's just ignore any ignorant comments and carry on.

To the OP, I am not gay, like many of the others here, but I do believe EVERYONE has the right to their own happiness, and the right to choose who and what they are going to love. Guys, girls, both, and....chickens!
We live in a world where there will always be those who disagree (and don't know how to read), but I just wanted to add my own respectful veiws to show my support of this thread staying open, and eventually, not picked at. Hope this doesn't get deleted. It would be amazing to see a topic with a good amount of controversy thrive.

You have supporters on here.
Thank you, Mods, for letting this thread stay open.

I think my post got buried, so I'll state it again. I am a bisexual female who hasn't come out to her parents.
Good point..good point...

Lets just report and move on... no comments...

but... but... but... Oh never mind...LOL
BYC might be a more enjoyable place if all of the ignorant and full of judgmental hatred type of people do indeed leave because of this thread. If I knew we could get rid of stupidity that easy, I would have started one years ago.

Never understood why people have a problem with other people's business. Mind your own beeswax.

There is more than one definition in the dictionary for the word gay. So just pick the one you are comfortable with and let it go at that
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