Hey BYC!


5 Years
May 22, 2017
Hello everyone! My name is Sam and I'm a first time chicken owner. My family and I recently welcomed 10 chickens into our household. Currently, they are all around six weeks old. We have two White Leghorns, a Barred Rock, three Buff Orpingtons, three Spangled Hamburgs, and my best friend, a Salmon Faverolle named Squeak (My profile picture :) ). We're keeping our chickens for eggs. So, once again, hello to everyone and I look forward to joining your community:D
Hello everyone! My name is Sam and I'm a first time chicken owner. My family and I recently welcomed 10 chickens into our household. Currently, they are all around six weeks old. We have two White Leghorns, a Barred Rock, three Buff Orpingtons, three Spangled Hamburgs, and my best friend, a Salmon Faverolle named Squeak (My profile picture :) ). We're keeping our chickens for eggs. So, once again, hello to everyone and I look forward to joining your community:D

Welcome!! Squeak is adorable!!! :welcome
Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here! Here's a tip: "scratch" around in all the knowledge here!

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