Hey everyone, I think I jumped the gun.....


*Home of the Shoveler*
11 Years
Jan 16, 2009
I have Rouen duck e g g s in the bator and am on day 23. Last night I took the e g g s out of the turner and laid them on their sides and upped the humidity, here's the question, how many days do these Rouen e g g s take to incubate? And if it's more than 25, like 28, should I hand turn them for the next three days? THANKS!!!
I believe they take 28 days to hatch. And you would stop turning on day 25 then.

There are a lot of experts out there though~~I'm not one of them, but that is what I read and am doing with my first-time ducks e g g s
but I am only on Day 8 so far.
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Yes, duck e g g s take 28 days. Humidity needs to be about 70% the last few days. Dont fret over them, they will be OK.
just get a spray bottle, and mist them with warmish water. Thats how I do it anyways...might not work for everyone.
Our area seems to be dry...we use a woodstove for heat. So I need the extra humidity in the bators. Hand turn them for a few more days...they will be ok...and GOOD LUCK with your hatch!
I do not know specificallyfor your type of ducks, but some take up to 35 days.. it would not hurt to turn them.. but it would hurt to open the bator during the last few days.

you might want to do a search for time of incubation for your type of duck..
Thank you guys/gals!
I will just hand turn then for another 3 days! Easy-peesy-lemon-squeezy! BTW: I haven't misted the first time, but normally have the HUM at 55% for chicken e g g s and have had the HUM set at 70% for these ducks and 6 out of 6 are growing to beat the band!



ROUEN e g g s take 28 days, as well as does every other duck breed besides mallard and call duck(mallards take 26 days, and i think calls take 26 days too), and muscovy wich take 35 days.

ETA: wondering why that said duck ROOSTER, then when I went to edit it said ducks eggs where rooster was in the post? :hmm
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