Hey everyone!


May 5, 2015
I always find myself looking at this site, so I figured I'd finally make an account. I live in Texas and right now we have: 3 chickens,1 rooster, 2 geese, 3 ducks, and 4 turkeys. Just wanted to introduce myself and I hope to learn more about all my poultry through this site.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sounds like you have a nice flock of different kinds of poultry. What breeds are they are if I may ask?
We are very glad you joined us!
Feel free to ask any questions and see you around BYC
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. Which part of Texas do you live in? My wife and I were both raised in the great state of Texas. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
For poultry other than chickens, take a look at the "Other Backyard Poultry" forum, which includes threads for ducks, geese, guineas, quail, peafowl etc. Glad you joined us at Backyard chickens.

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