Hey fellow chicken lovers!


Mar 29, 2021
Hello! I am so excited to be in this community. I'm from Las Cruces and my family has owned chickens for 16 years I love chickens and enjoy my days with them. right now I have three silkies (1 roo 2 hens), 10 buff Orpingtons (1 cock 9 hens), and a breading group made up of 1 Speckled Sussex roo and two RIR hens. I also have my Silkie hen raising 5 Speckled Sussex/RIR chicks. In total, I have 21 chickens. I'm hoping to expand slowly by breading and hatching my own chicks. (I also have 3 goats and a vizsla) I feel comforted knowing that I have a group of chicken lovers to come to for help!

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