Hey from Bethel Alaska

Hello from Alaska,
We moved here from San Diego where we had a small backyard flock of 7 our daughter got them for Xmas in 2016 they were wonderful ladies,unfortunately we were unable to bring them with us we did happen to find them a wonderful spacious home with a loving family and get updates on them all the time❤️

We have been wanting to get more chicks and finally did we received them on Thursday we received 10 babies
2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Dominques, 1 Easter Egger, 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Swedish Flower Hen, and a Meyer Meal Maker.

We are supper excited on our new babies and our daughter loves loves loves them.

We are feeding them Scratch & Peck organic chick starter and I have been trying to introduce them fermented feed twice a day. I am having a challenging time trying to figure out what’s the best way to feed the fermented to them with out them wanting to stand in it I have tried putting it on a paper plate & in a little bowl. I am open to any suggestions that may be helpful
Thank you bunches

Welcome to BYC! :welcome
Hanging feeders work well to keep food source clean. I use these. I put two in run and only provide daily amount.

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