Hey from middle Georgia!


10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Cochran, GA
I'm new to the forum and to chickens, but very excited about both! I fell in love with chickens after first being aggravated with a barn my former horse was at, but later fell in love with a black OEG rooster that stole my heart! I acquired but later lost him to a possum which was later taken care of.

After various other attacks/illnesses I now have 2 RIR hens, 2 dark Brahma hens, a Barred Rock hen, 1 Leghorn/Barred Rock cross hen, 2 Americauna hens, 1 blue OEG rooster, 1 silver duckwing OEG rooster, 2 white-tailed white Japanese bantams (rooster and hen), 2 mottled Japanese Bantams (rooster and hen), 3 black Japanese Bantams (2 roosters, 1 hen), and 3 black-tailed Japanese bantams (1 rooster, 2 hens). All of my chickens are locked up at night but let out in a pasture by day. I have a very smart raccoon that won't be trapped, still looking for suggestions there since it got my favorite RIR hen! Suggestions, please? Direct me to a thread?

BTW, I tried to join the BYC Chat...is it not working? Thanks!

A friend who had a coon problem used a 'havahart' trap. He would dig a little hole underneath the trap and put the bait in the hole, then put the trap on top of it. That way the coon could not reach throught the sides to get the bait. Sometimes he uses a sardine can with a little sardine stuff left in it.
Sometimes he uses an egg, or some dog food. Hope you get your coon!

Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm very excited about chickens! My coworkers tease me about it, but there's just something about chickens. At first I didn't think much of them, but after being at another person's farn with them for a while it became one of the two most important projects at my own farm: a comfortable place for my old horse (now past), and a good chicken roost at night.

I DO need to post somepics, you're absolutely right. Even the chicken folk adore my Japanese bantams (probably because no one has them but me!). With a farm to take care of mostly by myself and 12 hour shifts (I'm a jailor), I'm very much behind. Forgive me. But I adore my chickens so pics will be soon!

P.S. I tried the Hav-A-Heart trap with canned cat food...the raccoon went right past it, eat eggs and left. Chickens locked up. I even tried go tyrap the 'coon with eggs in the trap...no dice. Smart raccoon!!! I haven't tried the hole trick, and frankly don't feel it will work. I think my problem is the bait. Any suggestions??? I haven't tried sardines yet, but definately worth a try! Thanks in advance!

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