Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Ribs sound good at 8 AM even.
almost a hundred mile for subway it better be good. I've ate there so much i can't eat there anymore. lol
Actually we had to run up to Billings anyway for some supplies for the coop, so we just stopped at Subway when we got hungry. But it sure makes people go "Whoa" when you tell them 100 miles for a Subway. Actually we do have to drive 25 miles one way to the nearest Subway, McDonald's, or Taco Johns. Um, fast food becomes a relative phrase out here.
we only gotta drive about 13 miles to town to get anything. My lil town has a cvs and a gas station but it'll cost you twice as much to buy anything, Lol i love wv but i've always wanted to move to montana or alaska.

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