Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

Do we want to know what the hotdog people looked like? or is it safer to imagine? lol
I did pork chops and mac and velveeta... lol
Hotdog "people" are what I made for the kids menu at the restaurant.

Take the hotdog and make a slice 1/3 up the bottom for the legs. Above that make slices on either side for the arms. When grilled, the slices separate. Two dots of mustard for eyes and a ketchup mouth make for a hotdog "person". Easy and fun for the little ones.
Next time I make chili dogs, I'm going to make the hot dogs into "people" and see how the DH responds

How were the sandwiches, cknmom? It's one of our favorites around here ..but he likes anything with grilled onions and peppers on it

I'm still trying to get in the mood to cook dinner.. blah! The pizza was going to debut tonight ..but now I've lost my "gumption" to move too far from this chair or my snuggley, warm bed. I think it's the weather...
The "kids" opted for cheese pizzas tonight (DD is home from college this weekend, celebrating after her interview for grad school. Stress relief!).

DH and I had fish dinners at our church. The dinner was ok, but the atmosphere was priceless. It's cute to watch the Cub Scouts and Brownies waitress and buss ... so serious ... while everyone is waving, talking and moving from table to table. Kids are running around, babies are crying while being passed from person to person ... it's like a huge family reunion!
Wuhoo! Happy birthday DD!
We're celebrating too... The girls went to gramma's house for the night, so I went and got steakfinger dinner for Jim, I had a double meat, double cheese, bacon jalapeno burger and tater tots. lol Oh and milkshakes!
Aneesa's Muse :

Next time I make chili dogs, I'm going to make the hot dogs into "people" and see how the DH responds

How were the sandwiches, cknmom? It's one of our favorites around here ..but he likes anything with grilled onions and peppers on it

I'm still trying to get in the mood to cook dinner.. blah! The pizza was going to debut tonight ..but now I've lost my "gumption" to move too far from this chair or my snuggley, warm bed. I think it's the weather...

I lol'd. that's funny.

sounds like fun.​
Last night we had herb roasted pork roast and potatoes. OMG, it was good!
And corn. Better still was that Kroger had the pork roasts buy one, get one free!!!
Tonight we are having beef burrito, applesauce and lemon torte. Mexican Meat for the burritos. Easy, and better than hamburger, makes more,too. You put three lbs of stew beef, a 4 oz can of green chilies, and a 10 oz can of cream of celery soup in the crockpot. Cook on high for 5 to 7 hours. Shred the beef Yum.

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