Hey Grandpa, What's for Supper? Part 2

All your dinners sound so good

We had nachos tonight. I found a jar of peach salsa from last summer--what a beautiful addition. Summer in a jar
Bacon, fried eggs and toast. Busy day today and I was pooped when dinner got here.
Next two nights are spaghetti and salad
Last night Honey took over the kitchen and made omelettes. So yummy!

We had a Red Robin burger joint open in town recently. We were going to go to dinner there tonight, but it's a small town and still the most exciting thing going, apparently. We didn't want to wait 45 minutes to get a table to order burgers. So, we came home and had biscuits and gravy and scrambled eggs
. And Sugar Monkey made peanut butter cookies.
Oh popcorn sounds so good!

We're having split pea soup with smoked ham hock, garlic bread, and a pan of roasted veggies--onions, shrooms, asparagus, cauliflower and maybe yams.

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